CDF Harris County Lunch and Constitution

By CCDF-USA Harris (other events)

5 Dates Through Aug 21, 2023

Zoom Call Info:
Meeting ID: 926 6683 3199
Passcode: 797980

Hebrews Coffee House
26403 Oak Ridge Dr.
Spring, Texas 77380

Event Dates:
July 24, 2023 | 12:00p - 2:00p CT
July 31, 2023 | 12:00p - 2:00p CT
August 7, 2023 | 12:00p - 2:00p CT
August 14, 2023 | 12:00p - 2:00p CT
August 21, 2023 | 12:00p - 2:00p CT

Now more than ever, our nation is in need of Biblical citizens who grasp the dynamic unity of citizens of the Kingdom of God and citizens of this great nation!

The "Lunch Break Version" of Biblical Citizenship is a highly condensed "highlights" presentation of the full eight-week course, presented here in five videos each 45-50 minutes in length.

The full-course provides the quick-start guide to the longest-standing Constitution in history, complete with an overview of all the Articles, and Amendments. What sets this apart from other U.S. Constitution courses is the interactive, fast-paced presentations; the fabulous locations of Independence Hall and the Wallbuilders' Library; and finally our Biblical heritage intricately woven throughout the entire course!

You will learn how the founders relied on their Christian moorings and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. You will also be treated to encouraging historical facts and inspirational true stories that are not taught in our educational institutions today. All in all you will be edified and equipped to operationalize your faith and practice Biblical Citizenship in Modern America!

After completing this "Lunch Break Version", ask your coach about how to go through the full eight-week course!

About Your Host
Your host for this event is David Gonzales. Please contact your host at  [email protected] or (832) 887-8045 with any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you at the event!